the name

The name Aséptiqo is ingeniously crafted from the word "aseptic," signifying sterility and freedom from contamination, fundamental to our brand's ethos.

The term "aseptic" originates from the Greek 'a' meaning "without" and 'septicos' meaning "putrefactive," underscoring our commitment to cleanliness.


Aséptiqo was born from a desire to simplify your hair care with clean, stylish accessories. We realized the need for products that combine elegance with exceptional hygiene standards.

Our mission is to provide you with tools that enhance your daily routine, ensuring it's as hygienic as it is effortless, so every day can be a good hair day.

simply pure

Our motto, "Simply Pure," embodies Aséptiqo's commitment to straightforward, clean beauty. It guides every aspect of our design, ensuring our products deliver uncomplicated elegance and pure functionality, making daily hair care effortless and hygienic for you.